We help build better software

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

V3.5 of JExplorer is Released

A new version of JExplorer, containing extended DOM API is already available for download.
Please see the full list of what has been added and fixed in this version on the JExplorer Release Notes page.

We'd also like to remind you about a special offer for all JExplorer licence owners: you can modernize the browser component in your project to Chromium-based JxBrowser with a 25% discount from its regular price. To claim your discount just drop a line to sales@teamdev.com.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    We are using still JExplorer on one old project where with new version we switched to JXBrowser.

    I have a question how to configure JExplorer additional HTTP/HTTPS header - need to provide obtained Authorization token. I am able to set it with header parameter in navigate to first request, but than page contains several redirects and resource request where this header is missing.

    Is ther way to set it for all requests?

