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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Reinforce Browsing Security with JxBrowser 6.18!

This JxBrowser update is focused on features, ensuring a safer web experience to the users:
  •  The new version supports the U2F authentication standard.
  •  The HTTP authentication cache can now be cleared.
  •  Cookies can now be encrypted.
For the full list of new features and improvements in this version, please see the Release Notes.

Friday, December 1, 2017

DotNetBrowser 1.14: Incognito Mode

DotNetBrowser 1.14 is released and available for Download.

- Incognito Mode 
  Starting from version 1.14 you can configure Browser to store all user data in memory    
  (Chromium's "Incognito" mode), so that all user data will be cleared once your .NET    
  application is terminated.

- HTML5 Color Picker
  In this version we have improved performance of the JavaScript-.NET bridge, and of the   
  DOM events processing. 

DotNetBrowser now supports HTML Input element with type=color and displays the default          
color chooser dialog where the user can select the required color.

Have a look at the full list of new functions on the DotNetBrowser Release Notes page 

Monday, November 6, 2017

JxBrowser 6.17 is Available for Download

We are glad to announce the release of the all-new JxBrowser 6.17, featuring support of the Chromium Sandbox on the Windows platforms, an interface to access IFRAME elements on the loaded DOM Document, and quite a number of requested improvements and fixes.

See the full list of changes, and download the new version at the Release Notes page.

Heads up! We plan to add support of Java 9 to the next version of JxBrowser. Stay tuned for updates.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

DotNetBrowser 1.13 is Released

DotNetBrowser 1.13 is available for download.

In this version, we are glad to introduce a long-awaited functionality, that allows intercepting all the URL requests for both standard URL schemes (such as http, https, ftp, file) and custom schemes declared in your application.
After registering a protocol handler for a scheme, all the URLs with the specified scheme loaded into the Browser will be handled by this handler.

We would like to thank all DotNetBrowser users for your requests and feedback. They help us make the library more suitable for your needs with each release.

Take a look at the DotNetBrowser Release Notes for detailed information of every update of the library, and stay tuned for more product news!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

JxBrowser 6.16 with macOS High Sierra Support is Available

JxBrowser 6.16 is released and available for download.

The updated library supports two new platforms: macOS 10.13 High Sierra and Ubuntu 17.04 Desktop.
This version also features an extended DOM API, the ability to enable and disable form autofill suggestions, and a way to provide a custom HTTP status code.

Have a look at the full list of new features with the usage instructions at the Release Notes page.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Advanced Web Browsing for .NET with DotNetBrowser 1.12

We're happy to announce the release of the brand new DotNetBrowser 1.12, running on Chromium 60.0.3112.113!

To make things even better, we have extended this release with sufficient number of new features and improvements, and polished out some issues. Have a look at the full list of new functions on the DotNetBrowser Release Notes page or download the new version right away from the product page.

Your thoughts and suggestions are always welcome under #dotnetbrowser tag on Stack Overflow or via the support portal.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

JxBrowser 6.15 is Released! Now powered by Chromium 60.

The grand news is here: JxBrowser is now powered by the Chromium engine version 60.0.3112.113! What are the benefits? Let's start with the automatically enabled support of WebGL 2.0.

This release also includes several new features like ProxyService, and more zooming options with trackpad on macOS. For the full record of the new features and improvements, please see the Release Notes page.

Otherwise, jump right in, and download JxBrowser 6.15 from the product page.

We'd love to hear, how the new version is doing. Please share your thoughts and comments under #jxbrowser tag on Stack Overflow or via email.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

V3.5 of JExplorer is Released

A new version of JExplorer, containing extended DOM API is already available for download.
Please see the full list of what has been added and fixed in this version on the JExplorer Release Notes page.

We'd also like to remind you about a special offer for all JExplorer licence owners: you can modernize the browser component in your project to Chromium-based JxBrowser with a 25% discount from its regular price. To claim your discount just drop a line to sales@teamdev.com.

Monday, June 26, 2017

DotNetBrowser Was Updated to v1.11

Today we're glad to announce the release of the new DotNetBrowser 1.11. This update contains several new features, such as taking page screenshot without creating BrowserView, and ability to provide a custom CA certificate.
Please take a look at DotNetBrowser Release Notes, where all the changes are listed in detail.

Or jump straight in and download a new version from the product page.

We're open to new ideas and suggestion on what features should be added to DotNetBrowser next. Please share your thoughts in comments to this post.

Friday, June 23, 2017

JxBrowser 6.14.2 is Available for Download

The new JxBrowser 6.14.2 allows getting a string, containing text representation of the JavaScript object, in JSON format. This feature was much requested by the library users, and we're glad to announce, that it is already available.

Get to know more about the improvements and fixes in this version and download the latest version to try it out yourself on JxBrowser Release Notes page.

Monday, June 12, 2017

JxBrowser 6.14.1 is Released

A new version of JxBrowser with improved Chromium binaries extraction logic, and quite a number of requested fixes is available for download.

For the detailed record of the changes please see the JxBrowser Release Notes page.

Your thoughts and comments about the update are always welcome!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Meet the New JxCapture 3.5

Enjoy even better image and video capturing performance on Windows with the new JxCapture 3.5.
For Mac users, support of macOS Sierra has been added in this version.

The update is available for download from the product page.

With any questions or suggestions about the product use please visit the JxCapture support forum.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

DotNetBrowser 1.10 is Out

DotNetBrowser 1.10 is available for download.
Today we are glad to introduce the long awaited upgrade: now DotNetBrowser runs on a more powerful browser engine – Chromium 55.0.2883.87. But we did not stop there, check the full list of improvements in this update on the Release Notes page.

We’d love to discuss your thoughts and comments on the new version via email or under #dotnetbrowser tag on Stack Overflow.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

JxBrowser 6.14 has arrived!

We are pleased to announce the availability of JxBrowser 6.14 with long-awaited new features such as CSS and custom SSL certificate injection. Apart from extending JxBrowser API with new functionality, this update includes a bunch of fixes and improvements. Read more about the JxBrowser release highlights here.

The update is available for download on a product page.

Let us know what you think about the new version via support portal or ask your questions under #jxbrowser tag on StackOverflow. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Meet JxBrowser 6.13

Today, we are happy to announce the release of JxBrowser 6.13. This update includes several new features such as functionality that allows programmatically triggering DOM events, and configuring WebRTC IP handling policy.

Based on your feedback we keep improving the library by implementing the requested fixes.

For more information on the new features please visit the Release Notes page.

Please feel free to ask a question or leave your comments about the new version via support portal or under #jxbrowser tag on Stack Overflow.

Friday, February 24, 2017

JxMaps 1.3 is Released

This update of JxMaps brings a bunch of new features extending possible uses of the map component in desktop Java applications.
You can now display traffic situation in your Java desktop applications, save current view of the map as a PNG image, and configure Street View window to better fit your app's UI.

On the performance side: the underlying Google Maps API was updated to v3.27.

See details of the new features and get the latest version of JxMaps here.

Friday, February 3, 2017

DotNetBrowser 1.9: CSS Injection & HTML5 AppCache

Upgraded DotNetBrowser is available for download.

Apart from Visual Studio 2017 RC support, in this version, we concentrated on extending DOM API with new features, ability to specify custom CSS rules which will be then applied to every loaded web page, enhancements in heavyweight rendering mode, and several other important updates, aimed at improving security and performance of the library.

See detailed description of whats new in v1.9 and download the update here.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

JxBrowser 6.12 is Released

JxBrowser was upgraded to v6.12.  With this release we are glad to introduce the long awaited improvement: now JxBrowser runs on a newer, more powerful browser engine – Chromium 55.0.2883.87.

For the full list of changes in this version, please see JxBrowser Release Notes.

If you have any questions or comments about the new version, please get in touch via support portal or under #jxbrowser tag on Stack Overflow. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Creating an HTML UI for Desktop .NET Applications

If you feel like your desktop .NET application needs a fresh start in 2017, take a look at the new tutorial on creating a modern HTML UI for C# and VB.NET apps, written by the lead developer of DotNetBrowser.

We'd be glad to help you implementing approach described in the article. Just drop us a line to the support email or under #dotnetbrowser tag on Stack Overflow.