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Friday, September 16, 2016

A slimmer and more efficient JxBrowser 6.7 is available!

JxBrowser 6.7 is now available for download.

In this update we extended JavaScript-Java Bridge, DOM and Zoom API with new functionality, added API that allows getting notifications when web page becomes unresponsive, fixed several issues reported by our customers, improved stability and support of HiDPI monitors on Windows platforms, decreased size of JxBrowser JAR files by ~30% and implemented lots of other improvements.

Please note that starting from 6.7 version, the JxBrowser logging level is set to SEVERE by default instead of ALL (in previous versions). According to your feedback, you prefer that JxBrowser doesn’t print all log messages into console output by default.

For the full list of improvements in this update, please see the Release Notes.

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