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Friday, February 5, 2016

JavaScript-Java Bridge API in JxBrowser 6.1

JxBrowser 6.1 is available for download. In this minor update we added new powerful features and extended existing API with new capabilities:
  • Brand-new JavaScript-Java Bridge API with new features has been implemented. Which is great news, because now you can inject any Java object into JavaScript code and work with Java objects like with typical JavaScript object.
  • LocalStorage and SessionStorage API that allows working with HTML5 web storages from Java has been implemented.
  • ScriptContext listener API that allows getting notifications when web page has been loaded but JavaScript on it hasn’t been executed yet has been added. Using this listener you can execute any JavaScript code before JavaScript code on the loaded web page will be executed.
  • Several critical issues reported by our customers have been fixed.
  • Stability and memory usage in Chromium engine have been improved.
  • Data transferring between Java and Chromium processes now works ~10 times faster.
The list of all new features and improvements in JxBrowser 6.1 is available on Release Notes page.

We strongly recommend that your upgrade to JxBrowser 6.1 because this version solves critical issues that might affect stability of your software.