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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

DotNetBrowser 1.4 Released!

DotNetBrowser has been updated to version 1.4.

We are happy to announce a new update with great new features and improvements. In this minor version we concentrated on rendering performance and support of new environments. Here’s a list of main features and improvements in 1.4:
  • GPU-accelerated rendering mode has been added. This mode is enabled by default. So, now DotNetBrowser library provides two rendering modes: off-screen (lightweight) and windowed/GPU-accelerated (heavyweight) modes.
  • Now the library is compatible with .NET 4.0. A lot of our customers have their projects built for .NET 4.0, so we made the library compatible with it.
  • We added support on Windows Server 2008 and 2012 environments.
  • Upgraded Chromium engine from version 39 to 43
  • The size of DotNetBrowser.Chromium.dll has been decreased from 74Mb to 43Mb.
See the full list of changes on the DotNetBrowser Release Notes page.

The update is available for download. We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on DotNetBrowser support forum.