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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

QuipuKit 1.6 with RichFaces Compatibility

We are pleased to announce a release of QuipuKit version 1.6, a commercial library of advanced JSF components. This release is devoted to establishing compatibility between QuipuKit and JBoss RichFaces libraries. In addition to the already existing compatibility with Ajax features provided by the Ajax4jsf library (now part of RichFaces), we've ensured that RichFaces components can work with QuipuKit components in any combination. Now you can place any components from these libraries onto the same page and place components from one library into containers of another one to leverage the power of both libraries.

The release also includes a number of fixes for issues reported by QuipuKit users. Please see the release notes for a full list of enhancements and fixes in this release.

The new distribution package of QuipuKit 1.6 is available here. For any questions or feedback related to QuipuKit, visit the forum or e-mail us directly.

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