We help build better software

Friday, December 25, 2009

JNIWrapper 3.8.1 Released

JNIWrapper, a library that enables access to native libraries and components from Java code without using JNI, has been updated to version 3.8.1.

In this version we added support of Mac OS X 10.6 and synchronous mode of Hooks for Windows. This release also includes the updated version of WinPack, free add-on enabling access to the Windows native API and libraries from Java code. WinPack 3.8.1 introduces low level keyboard and mouse hooks that allow working with 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows systems. For the full scope of changes please check out the JNIWrapper 3.8.1 Release Notes.

As always, you can download and try the fully-functional version of JNIWrapper.

We look forward to your feedback on this update. If you need assistance with using our product, please use the support forum.

Friday, December 18, 2009

JxBrowser 2.0 Released

TeamDev is happy to announce official release of JxBrowser 2.0, a cross-platform library that allows integrating web browser into Java AWT/Swing applications on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms.

In this version we have added support of Apple Safari (WebKit) engine on Mac OS X platform and Internet Explorer on Windows. With JxBrowser 2.x, you have a choice - which browser engine your Java application should use on different operating systems. Now you can use the default system browser instead of Mozilla Gecko engine on Mac OS X and Windows platforms.

You can get access to the powerful browser engines functionality through the new JxBrowser 2.x API. Samples in distribution package will demonstrate how you can navigate to a web page and wait until the page is loaded; take a full web page screen shot and save it to image file; get access to browser events, DOM, browser features and more.

Download the JxBrowser 2.0 build and try the included demo application and samples.

For any help or feedback related to the use of our product, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

JxBrowser 1.4 Released

JxBrowser, the cross-platform library for embedding Mozilla browser into your Java application, has been updated to version 1.4.

JxBrowser 1.4 introduces the following features and improvements:
  • API for interaction with native Mozilla XPCOM
  • API for clearing browser cache
  • Pop-up blocker
  • Ability to use custom implementation for displaying alerts, confirmations, prompts and authentication dialogs
  • New function WebBrowser.findNext for searching through the document with defined parameters.

This new version also resolves several important issues reported by our customers. For the full list of resolved issues and improvements, please read the JxBrowser 1.4 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download. You can try the new version online using the WebStart Demo.

For any help or feedback related to the use of our product, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Friday, November 13, 2009

QuipuKit 1.6.2 Released

We are pleased to announce a version 1.6.2 update to the QuipuKit library for JSF. This maintenance release includes resolutions for requests we received from our customers. The full list of fixes is available in release notes.

The new version of QuipuKit is available on the Download page. For any questions or feedback related to QuipuKit, visit forum or e-mail us directly.

We would also like to encourage you to pay your attention to the next major version of QuipuKit named OpenFaces 2.0, which is currently available in early access program (EAP) and is distributed under a dual license model. Please see the migration guide for instructions on moving to the new version.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

JxBrowser 2.0 EAP2 Announcement

About a month ago we announced the Early Access Program (EAP) for JxBrowser 2.0, our cross-platform library that allows integrating Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari (WebKit) and Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers into Java AWT/Swing applications. During this month we've received a lot of feedback and questions. Using this feedback we've made several changes in JxBrowser 2.0 API and added new important features:
  • Canceling navigation - allows receiving notification before web page loading starts and canceling navigation if needed;
  • Cookies management - allows receiving, updating, deleting Browser cookies;
  • MIME type handling - allows making a decision whether to display content with a specified MIME type or not;
  • Navigation.waitReady method - allows blocking current thread execution until document is loaded completely.

To see all changes and features we've made in EAP2 please check out the JxBrowser 2.0 EAP2 Release Notes.

The JxBrowser 2.0 EAP2 build with included demo application and samples is available for download. Note: The EAP2 build is bundled with an evaluation license that expires December 9, 2009.

Please feel free to ask for help or just leave feedback at our support forum and stay tuned for new versions with more powerful and exciting features.

* Early Access Program (EAP) gives you a first look at the product before it is officially released. It's an exciting opportunity for you to influence the development process and shape the future product with maximum value for you!
While we are doing our best to make your EAP experience and future transition to the release version as easy as possible, we do not guarantee that there will be no public API changes or that certain features will be available in the final product.

Friday, October 30, 2009

JExcel Update

JExcel, a library that allows integrating and controlling Microsoft Excel in Java Swing applications, has been updated to version 1.4.

In this release we introduce new API features related to operations with ranges and JExcel window. The updated version also provides support of SLF4J Logging Facade and resolves issues reported by our customers. For the full scope of changes please check out the JExcel 1.4 Release Notes.

As always, you can download the updated version of JExcel and evaluate it. You can also try JExcel online.

We look forward to your feedback on this update. If you need assistance in using our product, please use the support forum.

Friday, October 9, 2009

JxBrowser 2.0 Early Access Program

TeamDev is happy to announce the Early Access Program (EAP)* for JxBrowser 2.0, a cross-platform library that allows integrating Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari (WebKit) and Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers into Java AWT/Swing applications on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms.

In this version we have added support of Apple Safari (WebKit) engine on Mac OS X platform and Internet Explorer on Windows. With JxBrowser 2.x, you have a choice - which browser engine your Java application should use on different operating systems. You can reduce your application distribution package size by excluding Mozilla XULRunner files for Mac OS X (51Mb) and Windows (19Mb), and use the default system browser instead: Safari on Mac OS X and Internet Explorer on Windows.

You can get an access to the powerful browser engines functionality through the new JxBrowser 2.x API. Samples in distribution package will demonstrate how you can navigate to a web page and wait until the page is loaded; take a full web page screen shot and save it to image file; get access to browser events, DOM, browser features and more.

In JxBrowser 2.0 EAP we provide access to the old JxBrowser 1.x API, so you can update JxBrowser to 2.x version and run your already created Java applications without changes in source code. But we strongly recommend you to use the new 2.x API, because the old one will be deprecated in the future.

Download the JxBrowser 2.0 EAP build and try the included demo application and samples. Note: The EAP build is bundled with an evaluation license that expires November 10, 2009.

Please feel free to ask for help or leave your feedback at our support forum and stay tuned for new versions with more powerful and exciting features.

* Early Access Program (EAP) gives you a first look at the product before it is officially released. It's an exciting opportunity for you to influence the development process and shape the future product with maximum value for you!
While we are doing our best to make your EAP experience and future transition to the release version as easy as possible, we do not guarantee that there will be no public API changes or that certain features will be available in the final product.

Friday, September 18, 2009

ComfyJ 2.7 Released

ComfyJ, a Java-COM bridge enabling bi-directional communication between the Java platform and COM technologies, has been updated to version 2.7.

With ComfyJ, you can use ActiveX/COM/OLE/OCX objects right from your Java application and implement Java objects as COM objects, without writing native code.

In this version we introduce new features and improvements in ComfyJ API, Code Generator and Server Manager. As each of our maintenance releases, it also contains fixes for issues reported by our customers. For the full scope of changes please check out the ComfyJ 2.7 Release Notes.

The latest version is available for download from the product page of our web site.

We look forward to your feedback on this update. If you need assistance with using our product, please use the support forum.

Friday, September 11, 2009

JNIWrapper 3.8 Released

JNIWrapper, a library that enables access to native libraries and components from Java code without using JNI, has been updated to version 3.8.

In this version we introduce support of SLF4J Loggin Facade that allows binding with the desired logging framework. This release also includes the updated version of WinPack, free add-on enabling access to the Windows native API and libraries from Java code. WinPack 3.8 provides the wrapper for GUITHREADINFOstructure and ability to access Win32 registry on x64 OS and vice versa. For the full scope of changes please check out the JNIWrapper 3.8 Release Notes.

As always, you can download and try the fully-functional version of JNIWrapper.

We look forward to your feedback on this update. If you need assistance with using our product, please use the support forum.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

OpenFaces AJAX-powered JSF components EAP2 Released

We are happy to announce the second early access (EAP2) release of the OpenFaces AJAX-powered JSF components. The EAP2 release is the last milestone before the version 2.0 release expected in late September. The EAP2 release adds a new Select Boolean Checkbox component, a number of enhancements, several API changes, and resolves issues reported by the developers during the initial evaluation of EAP1 release.

The Select Boolean Checkbox component introduced in this release is an extended version of the standard andlt;h:selectBooleanCheckboxandgt; component which adds tri-state support (two typical states and the third €œundefined€ one), allows for customizing checkbox images and state-dependent styles.

Following numerous requests from our users we'€™ve also added a new demo application, which shows how OpenFaces components can work together with RichFaces in one application. You can see this demo online, or download the demo and its source code.

Please see the release notes for the full list of enhancements.

Before the OpenFaces 2.0 is released, we also decided to extract a code of the testing system we use for automated tests of OpenFaces components and web applications we build into a separate project called Selenium Inspector. This testing framework, built on top of Selenium, allows testing not only JSF-based applications, but any HTML-based applications. So we felt this code may be useful for wider web development community as a separate project.

The module for testing OpenFaces is already included into the standard Selenium Inspector distribution, and can be downloaded here. The support of RichFaces and other popular JSF frameworks is going to be added after we release OpenFaces 2.0, and hopefully with your contribution.

Give OpenFaces EAP2 and Selenium Inspector a try and let us know what you think.

JxFileWatcher 1.0.1 Released

We are pleased to announce the first maintenance release of JxFileWatcher, a cross-platform library for file system events monitoring.

This release is intended to satisfy the needs of our customers, who want to use JxFileWatcher library as an OSGi bundle and who already use JNIWrapper library in their applications. For more details about changes please read the JxFileWatcher 1.0.1 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download. You can try the new version online using the WebStart Demo.

If you need assistance with using this product or if you want to discuss the library, welcome to our support forum.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Selenium Inspector 1.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Selenium Inspector, an open source library for simplifying automated testing for Web applications. Selenium Inspector is built on top of the popular Selenium testing framework, and enhances its abilities for component-oriented testing, and simplifies testing of any HTML-based applications as well.

Selenium Inspector API allows to create testing solutions for variety of HTML rendering frameworks like JSF component libraries, Spring MVC, Struts, etc. Now web developers can create object-oriented testing APIs for any Web UI library. The Java API for inspecting OpenFaces components is already included.

With Selenium Inspector you'll get the following advantages:

  • Ability to check actual view of an element style instead of what is declared in CSS but may not be actually applied.
  • Specialized higher-level Java API which simplifies inspection not just on primitive elements, but on compound HTML tags, such as ‹table›,‹ul›, etc.
  • A wide set of assertion methods for checking actual values of attributes and styles of HTML elements as well as evaluating actual results of client side expressions.
  • Selenium Inspector is easy to customize and extend.
  • And its free!

Learn more in the product documentation and the product site.

If you want to share your feedback, thoughts and ideas, or just need an advice, want to submit a feature request or a bug, you are welcome to contribute and participate!

Friday, July 10, 2009

JxBrowser 1.3 Released

JxBrowser, the cross-platform library for embedding Mozilla browser into your Java application, has been updated to version 1.3.

JxBrowser 1.3 introduces a new API for cookie management, functionality for capturing of web pages, and a new service for displaying alerts, confirmations, promts and authentication dialogs.

This new version also resolves several important issues, including proxy problem under Mac OS X, compatibility with Java 1.6 for Linux, meta redirects and Mac Style menu under Mac OS X. For the full list of resolved issues and improvements, please read the JxBrowser 1.3 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download. You can try the new version online using the WebStart Demo.

For any help or feedback related to the use of our product, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

JExplorer 2.2 Released

We are glad to introduce a new release of JExplorer, a library that provides a convenient Java API for integrating Microsoft Internet Explorer into Java applications.

This release introduces a new functionality for working with HTML modal dialogs, functionality for processing HTTP security problems and other improvements. It also has fixes for the issues recently reported by our customers. For the full list of changes please visit JExplorer 2.2 Release Notes page.

The new version is available for download at JExplorer page. For any help or feedback related to the use of our product, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

JxCapture 1.3.1 Released

We are pleased to announce a maintenance release of JxCapture, our cross-platform library that provides a comprehensive Java screen capture API for Java applications.

JxCapture 1.3.1 is focused on resolving the compatibility issues with Mac PPC platform. For the full list of changes, check out the JxCapture 1.3.1 Release Notes page.

The latest version is available for download from the product page of our web site.

For any help or feedback related to the use of this release, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

JNIWrapper 3.7.3 Released

We are pleased to announce a maintenance release of JNIWrapper, a library that enables access to native libraries and components from Java code without using JNI.

JNIWrapper 3.7.3 resolves issues related to alignment in structures and loading of native libraries that have Unicode symbols in file path. This release also includes the updated version of WinPack, free add-on enabling access to the Windows native API and libraries from Java code. WinPack 3.7.1 resolves the issues withBitmap.toImage() functionality. For the full scope of changes please check out the JNIWrapper 3.7.3 Release Notes.

As always, you can download and try the fully-functional version of JNIWrapper.

We look forward to your feedback on this update.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

JxFileWatcher 1.0

JxFileWatcher leaves its Early Access Program state and becomes available for commercial usage. Our new cross-platform library will allow you to easily add file system events monitoring feature into your application. Using the convenient Java API you can get notifications about file or directory creation, modification and removal events. The provided filtering mechanism will allow you to limit the scope of watching files and events.

During the Early Access Program period we've received a lot of positive feedback and requests for extending a set of supported platforms. Version 1.0 provides support for 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms. In the next versions of JxFileWatcher we are going to provide support for Solaris and a new mechanism for file system events watching under Mac OS.

Learn more about JxFileWatcher library or see it in action in the online demo. Discuss the library at our support forums.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

QuipuKit 1.6.1 Released

We are pleased to announce a release of QuipuKit 1.6.1, a commercial component library for JSF. This maintenance release includes resolutions for requests we received from our customers. The full list of fixes is available in release notes.

The new version of QuipuKit is available on the Download page. For any questions or feedback related to QuipuKit, visit forum or e-mail us directly.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

JNIWrapper 3.7.2, WinPack 3.7 and ComfyJ 2.6 released

We are pleased to announce a maintenance release for ComfyJ, JNIWrapper and WinPack.

ComfyJ 2.6 introduces a new feature in Code Generator for ComfyJ application. If a type library contains help strings for interface methods, then they will be automatically added to Javadoc for generated stubs.

WinPack 3.7 provides support for CBT hook and resolves the issue with 16 bit images.

JNIWrapper was updated to version 3.7.2 due to implementation of new features and fixing issues in ComfyJ and WinPack. For the full scope of changes in these version please check out the JNIWrapper 3.7.2 Release Notes and ComfyJ 2.6 Release Notes.

As always, you can download and try the fully-functional versions of our products at JNIWrapper and ComfyJ pages.

We look forward to your feedback on the new versions.

QuipuKit 1.6 with RichFaces Compatibility

We are pleased to announce a release of QuipuKit version 1.6, a commercial library of advanced JSF components. This release is devoted to establishing compatibility between QuipuKit and JBoss RichFaces libraries. In addition to the already existing compatibility with Ajax features provided by the Ajax4jsf library (now part of RichFaces), we've ensured that RichFaces components can work with QuipuKit components in any combination. Now you can place any components from these libraries onto the same page and place components from one library into containers of another one to leverage the power of both libraries.

The release also includes a number of fixes for issues reported by QuipuKit users. Please see the release notes for a full list of enhancements and fixes in this release.

The new distribution package of QuipuKit 1.6 is available here. For any questions or feedback related to QuipuKit, visit the forum or e-mail us directly.

Monday, March 23, 2009

JxCapture 1.3 Released

Today we are pleased to announce a new release of JxCapture, our cross-platform library that provides a comprehensive Java screen capture API for Java applications. JxCapture 1.3 expands the list of supported hardware platforms with support for 64-bit platform of Windows and Mac OS X.

This new version also resolves issues reported to our support center. For the full list of changes, check out the JxCapture 1.3 Release Notes page.

Try online our Web Start Demo that is available for both Windows and Mac. Note: You need Java 1.6 to start JxCapture in 64-bit mode under Mac OS X.

Download the latest version and evaluate it during 30 days.

For any help or feedback related to the use of JxCapture 1.3, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

JxFileWatcher enters public EAP

We are happy to announce the start of Early Access Program (EAP)* for a new product called JxFileWatcher.

JxFileWatcher is a cross-platform library that provides convenient Java API for monitoring file system events. Using it you can get notifications about file or directory creation, modification and removal events. JxFileWatcher is available for the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms and supports both 32 and 64-bit versions of these OS.

Though it is not commercially available yet, you can already download the EAP build and try it. The EAP build is bundled with a one-month evaluation license (expires 17 April, 2009.)

To see the library in action please run the demo application which is available in JxFileWatcher distribution package or see the online demo.

For any help or feedback on how to improve JxFileWatcher further, please use the support forum or e-mail usdirectly.

* Early Access Program (EAP) gives you a first look at the product before it is officially released. It's an exciting opportunity for you to influence the development process and shape the future product with maximum value for you!
While we are doing our best to make your EAP experience and future transition to the release version as easy as possible, we do not guarantee that there will be no public API changes or that certain features will be available in the final product.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

JExplorer 2.1 Released

Release of JExplorer 2.0 caused a lot of interest from the side of community. We want to say thank you for the valued feedback that inspired us and brought us some more interesting ideas.

Now we are glad to introduce a new release of the JExplorer that contains improvements and fixes of problems reported by our customers. For the full list of changes please visit JExplorer 2.1 Release Notes page.

The new version is available for download at JExplorer page. For any help or feedback related to the use of JExplorer 2.1, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

TeamDev Subscription Policy Improvements

As part of our infrastructure improvements and usability enhancements of our new TeamDev.com site we are glad to introduce several modernized ways for you to keep you up-to-date of our events.

From now on you can use e-mail or RSS subscription to Support.TeamDev.com instead of e-mail subscription toTeamDev.com site.

Your subscription is now customizable in many ways, so it's up to you to decide what and how you can watch.

Now you are able to:
  • Get the latest news on our company or any TeamDev product via e-mail or RSS
  • Watch any thread, blog, community or their combination by RSS or e-mail notifications
  • Get news on any separate tag or several tags
  • Track comments on threads you are interested in.

If you have no account in our support system, you can easily create it with just a few clicks.

Want to subscribe to a RSS feed for blogs on this system? You've got a couple options.

You can also set E-mail Notification Preferences in the Your Preferences€ of your account.

If you have any questions or comments or need our help with the forum, please e-mail us.

We hope you will stay with us and find a lot of interesting and useful information there.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Maintenance releases of JNIWrapper, WinPack and ComfyJ

Today we are pleased to announce a new maintenance release for the core part of our Java Platform Integration Products Family. It includes ComfyJ 2.5.1 and JNIWrapper 3.7.1 with WinPack 3.6.1 on board.

These new versions resolve issues reported to our support center. For more information, check out the JNIWrapper 3.7.1 Release Notes and ComfyJ 2.5.1 Release Notes.

As always, you can download and try the fully-functional versions of our products at JNIWrapper and ComfyJ pages of our redesigned siteю

We look forward to your feedback on the new versions.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

JExplorer 2.0 Commercially Available

After a small EAP period, TeamDev is happy to announce the commercial release of JExplorer 2.0. JExplorer is our library that provides a convenient Java API for integrating Microsoft Internet Explorer into Java applications.

The most of changes in JExplorer 2.0 were directed to improve its stability and to add Java Applets support. The changes in the core of JExplorer allowed us to isolate all potentially unsafe native code from the main Java application via moving each WebBrowser instance to a separate native process. With this major release we also introduce new features, such as Java Applets support, improved memory management, individual proxy settings for each WebBrowser instance. For the full list of new features and improvements, please read the page.

You can see JExplorer 2.0 in action in our WebStart Demo. Download the latest version and evaluate it during 30 days.

We want to remind you that the licenses for JExplorer 1.x will not work with this major release. If you have purchased JExplorer less than 60 days ago, then you will get upgrade to version 2.0 for free. Otherwise you can upgrade to version 2.0 with a 25% discount. Please contact our sales team with your upgrade request.

For any help or feedback related to the use of JExplorer 2.0, please use the support or e-mail us directly.