We help build better software

Friday, June 20, 2008

QuipuKit 1.5 Released

TeamDev has released QuipuKit version 1.5, a commercial library of advanced JSF components. The major features of QuipuKit 1.5 release include:

  • A new GraphicText component that allows displaying rotated text.
  • Interactive column resizing feature for DataTable and TreeTable components.
  • Support for multiple headers and footers with column grouping in DataTable and TreeTable components.
  • Various sorting enhancements for DataTable and TreeTable components.

The release also includes a number of fixes for issues reported by QuipuKit users. Please see the What's New page for a full list of enhancements and fixes in this release.

The new distribution package of QuipuKit 1.5 is available here.

For any questions or feedback related to QuipuKit, visit the forum or e-mail us directly.

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