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Friday, September 1, 2006

JNIWrapper 3.4, ComfyJ 2.2, JExplorer 1.7

It's been quite long since we last released such a massive maintenance update. Today JNIWrapper Team releases updates for the better part of its integration products family.

The JNIWrapper update contains several bug fixes that improve the product on most of the supported platforms.

The ComfyJ update brings along a couple of new features and a significant number of fixes. Do not miss out on a new IntelliJ IDEA plugin we created for ComfyJ Code Generator.

The JExplorer update is probably the biggest one. It contains some features we were originally planning for the next major release. Some of them are: reading/writing Internet Explorer proxy settings, capturing and printing Browser component contents, Internet Explorer automation, and more. This is not counting the stability improvements and other fixes.

30-day evaluation is available as always on JExplorer page.

We look forward to your feedback on the new versions.

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