We help build better software

Friday, December 22, 2006

JNIWrapper.com migration. Part 2 (Mission Accomplished)

Finally, the migration of JNIWrapper.com started 3 months ago has been successfully completed. All TeamDev products and services are now nestled inside www.teamdev.com.

We hope you'll find the structure and content of the site comfortable and helpful, as we made every effort to make the migration process as transparent as possible to site visitors. All URLs you might have bookmarked on the old site should still work with the new one. If you have any problems, don't hesitate to report them to webmaster@teamdev.com.

But the site migration is a starting point in the chain of major events that will happen in early 2007. Get ready for releases of new products from TeamDev that will bring more speed and flexibility to the software development process.

With best wishes for a happy Holiday Season and New Year.

Friday, November 17, 2006

QuipuKit 1.0.1

TeamDev is pleased to announce the release of version 1.0.1 of the QuipuKit library for JSF. It is a maintenance release that mainly addresses support requests of our QuipuKit users. It comes with various bug fixes in some QuipuKit components and includes a minor improvement in the filtering feature of the TreeTable and DataTable components. For more information about all the improvements, see the What'€™s New page.

Download the new version of QuipuKit now!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

QuipuKit 1.0

TeamDev is pleased to announce release 1.0 of QuipuKit library for JSF. First available in the Early Access Program, QuipuKit has gone through several public builds to mature into a release-ready product.

The QuipuKit library offers developers a variety of new ways to create feature-rich Web applications while leveraging the benefits of JSF technology. It includes an extended set of fully customizable JSF components (DataTable, TreeTable, Chart, PopupLayer, Calendar, and others) and a validation framework that shifts the standard JSF validation to the client side.

The major highlights of QuipuKit components:
AJAX-enabled dynamic data updates
Flexible component configuration and CSS-based styling
Support for all major browsers and JSF implementations

And QuipuKit validation framework provides the following features:
Support for standard server-side validation logic on the client side
Additional validators and flexible error presentation

Learn more about QuipuKit library. Explore the QuipuKit features in the online demo. Discuss the library at our support forums.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

QuipuKit RC1

We are almost ready for releasing version 1.0 of the QuipuKit library for JSF. To give you a sneak peek at it, we have made it available as a Release Candidate. Download and evaluate the features that will be available in the final version of QuipuKit.

RC1 comes with numerous bug fixes, changes in API and many other improvements. For more details, see Release Notes page.

Monday, October 2, 2006

Java-COM integration on Windows 64

Our latest efforts were aimed at making support for Windows 64 support more comprehensive. Now we can say for sure that our products fully support Windows 64.

The new version of ComfyJ enables Java applications (running in 64-bit mode) to work with 64-bit COM. Using this version, you can now create and register 64-bit Java COM servers using Server Manager application.

For your convenience, the ComfyJ product line has been extended with variations on supported platforms.

What's coming up next?

The following projects should be in news soon:
JNIWrapper for 64-bit Linux platform.
JNIWrapper for Linux on PPC platform.
JxBrowser a library for integrating Mozilla browser into Swing applications.
and more!

If you have questions or suggestions, contact us or post at our new forums.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

JNIWrapper.com site migration. Part 1

As part of the marketing effort to raise TeamDev's profile and promote its name as the creator of JNIWrapper family products, we have planned several steps in this regard. Some of them have already been made:

The forums of JNIWrapper family products have been moved to the integrated customer support and troubleshooting service of TeamDev at support.teamdev.com
The user registration service of the JNIWrapper forums has been integrated with www.teamdev.com

We are doing our best to make this transition as transparent as possible for JNIWrapper users. In case of any problems with your user account, please let us know at support@teamdev.com.

More changes are still under way and will mostly affect the structure and functionality of JNIWrapper.com. We will keep you posted on these changes once they are implemented.

Thank you for staying with us!

Friday, September 22, 2006

QuipuKit EAP3 Build Announcement

Today TeamDev is releasing a third public build of the QuipuKit library for JSF under the terms of Early Access Program.

This EAP build is a bug fix release. Special thanks to our forum members who submitted issues while evaluating QuipuKit. For more details about the fixes, please read the What'€™s New page.

Download the new EAP build and evaluate the improvements. See QuipuKit library in action in the online demo.

Friday, September 1, 2006

JNIWrapper 3.4, ComfyJ 2.2, JExplorer 1.7

It's been quite long since we last released such a massive maintenance update. Today JNIWrapper Team releases updates for the better part of its integration products family.

The JNIWrapper update contains several bug fixes that improve the product on most of the supported platforms.

The ComfyJ update brings along a couple of new features and a significant number of fixes. Do not miss out on a new IntelliJ IDEA plugin we created for ComfyJ Code Generator.

The JExplorer update is probably the biggest one. It contains some features we were originally planning for the next major release. Some of them are: reading/writing Internet Explorer proxy settings, capturing and printing Browser component contents, Internet Explorer automation, and more. This is not counting the stability improvements and other fixes.

30-day evaluation is available as always on JExplorer page.

We look forward to your feedback on the new versions.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

QuipuKit EAP2 Build Announcement

TeamDev is pleased to announce the release of EAP2 public build of the QuipuKit library for JSF. This release comes with:
Improved general performance of the QuipuKit components.
New features for tracking focus and scroll position on the page.
Default presentation for server-side validation and conversion errors.

For more details about this release, read What'€™s New.

Download the new EAP build and evaluate the improvements. See QuipuKit in action in the online demo. Visit our forum for feedback.

Monday, July 24, 2006

QuipuKit EAP Release

We are pleased to announce the start of Early Access Program for our new product called QuipuKit!

QuipuKit (pronounced [€™ki-pu kit]) is a library of highly customizable JSF components for building rich user interfaces of Web-based applications. It extends the standard set of UI components with such sophisticated widgets as TreeTable, DataTable, Calendar, DateChooser, Chart, and others.

Thanks to such features as Ajax support and keyboard navigation, the QuipuKit library essentially simplifies development of Web applications, making them really interactive and user friendly. See the online demo.

The validation framework bundled with the QuipuKit library enables developers to use standard JSF validators on the client side and extends them with additional validators that work equally well on the client and server side. The validation framework is flexible to support a variety of usage scenarios where data should be validated and provides multiple ways to configure visual feedback when validation failed.

Friday, July 21, 2006

JNIWrapper 3.3. Now on Windows 64-bit

JNIWrapper Team has picked up speed at releasing new platforms support. It has been a while since we planned to support 64-bit Windows and the plans have now become the reality.

The new platform support is available for evaluation and purchase.

See the list of changes in JNIWrapper since version 3.2 in the What's New section.

Apart for the JNIWrapper itself, we €™have made WinPack ready for 64-bit.

Other changes are made in new version of WinPack can be found in the What's New section.

Thursday, June 8, 2006

JNIWrapper 3.2. Now with Mac OS X Intel

To keep step with the technological progress and to prove our leadership in platform integration solutions, we are proud to announce a new version of our JNIWrapper software with support for Mac OS X on the Intel platform.

The new Intel Core Duo platform support is available at no cost for all customers having the license for JNIWrapper for Mac OS X.

Try JNIWrapper for Mac OS X Demo (Web Start, Mac OS X only) to see the product in action. Full-featured 30-day evaluation is available as always.

You can find the complete list of changes made since version 3.1 in the What'€™s New section.

Thursday, April 6, 2006

JExcel 1.0 Release

It's always a pleasure to release a new product. It feels like a float-out ceremony the air is filled with excitement to see it sail into open waters.

Today TeamDev Ltd. has released JExcel.

JExcel is the library built on our proven JNIWrapper and ComfyJ technologies that allows Java developers to integrate their Java software with Microsoft Office Excel. We believe JExcel is feature-packed enough to be taken advantage of in many ways and in many projects.

Monday, January 30, 2006

JExplorer 1.6, JNIWrapper and ComfyJ updates

The year 2006 starts with good news from the JNIWrapper team. Today we are releasing a comprehensive update for the whole product family! This includes:

Major update for JExplorer
JExplorer is now based on the JNIWrapper 3.0 core. This means that JExplorer is supplied with JNIWrapper and ComfyJ - so now you have a complete software package on hand.
But the good news doesn't stop there... JExplorer is no longer split in two editions. From now on there is only one edition available for use (previously known as Professional). If you have either the JExplorer Standard or Professional edition, you can use this new version.
Plus, we've considerably enhanced the JExplorer functionality to make your work even more efficient. For more details, see the What's New section.

Important: JExplorer 1.6 license format has changed. To upgrade your JExplorer 1.5 license to version 1.6 for free, please send us the request.

Improvements update for JNIWrapper and ComfyJ
In the new versions of JNIWrapper and ComfyJ, we've added more capabilities for your work. For more information, check out the JNIWrapper What's New and ComfyJ What's New sections.

More good news is coming soon!