We help build better software

Monday, October 20, 2003

JNIWrapper 2.0 Release Date

Probably, this is not exactly the message you expected to see on the JNIWrapper News channel. But we have to admit that the release of JNIWrapper 2.0 is already quite late from what was originally planned.
We were almost ready to release the JNIWrapper 2.0 for Windows which mainly brings new COM/OLE/ActiveX integration functionality along with other minor enhancements. But having done another critical overview of what we were going to publish, we decided that it is not as good as we want it to be.
During the last two weeks we have received a great volume of feedback on COM integration functionality introduced in Beta version and we keep receiving new comments. We would like to thoroughly address your requests.
Our intention is to make a new version of JNIWrapper a real step forward. Therefore, this news is not about the new version release but about its delay.
What are the enhancements we are working on now:
  • Better JNIWrapper API documentation.
  • More COM Integration examples in WinPack Demo (Internet Explorer and Shockwave Flash).
  • Easier code generation.
  • All depricated API removal.
  • Customers feedback on Beta version processing.
All the changes listed above require another week of work.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you all for your support and patience. Stay connected.

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