We help build better software

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

JNIWrapper 3.12 is Available for Download

We’re excited as everyone with the advent of macOS Sierra, so we keep tuning our products up  to support this operating system.
Today it is JNIWrapper’s turn. Version 3.12 with macOS 10.12 support is ready and available for download.

We’d be happy to address all your thoughts and comments on the new version on the Support Forum.

Monday, October 24, 2016

JxMaps is updated to version 1.2

JxMaps 1.2 is available for download.

The update is based on the newest version of Google Maps API (v 3.25), and features several improvements for ease and flexibility of use.

See the Release Notes for the full list of changes in the new version.

Monday, October 17, 2016

DotNetBrowser 1.8.2 is Released!

We’re glad to announce the new DotNetBrowser 1.8.2, featuring improvements in JavaScript – .NET bridge, lightweight rendering mode and DOM API.

The new version is available for download from the product page.
For the full list of changes, please see the Release Notes.

Monday, October 3, 2016

JxBrowser 6.7.1 with macOS Sierra Support is Out!

JxBrowser 6.7.1 is now available for download.

This update features support of the recently released macOS Sierra.

In this version we also resolved several important issues such as incorrect rendering on HiDPI monitors on Windows platforms with JavaFX, the RejectedExecutionException error in multithreaded environment when disposing Browser instance, the issue when only one embedded PDF document can be printed, etc.

For the full list of improvements in this minor update, please see the Release Notes.