We help build better software

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

PPAPI Flash on Mac in JxBrowser 6.0.1!

JxBrowser 6.0.1 is now available for download!

In this update we enabled PPAPI Flash support on Mac OS X, implemented Flash context menu, added HiDPI monitors support for heavyweight mode, added Swing key bindings, and fixed several critical issues reported by our customers.

For what’s new in JxBrowser 6.0.1, check out the Release Notes web page.

Monday, December 28, 2015

JExplorer 3.3.2 is Released.

JExplorer version 3.3.2 features improved memory usage, added functionality that allows configuring path to JExplorer binaries, and extended DOM API with functionality that allows getting more info about DOM events.

See the full list of changes in 3.3.2 on the JExplorer Release Notes page.

The update is available for download.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

DotNetBrowser 1.6 is Released

DotNetBrowser has been updated to version 1.6.

In this minor update we added functionality for intercepting and handling all network activity, and implemented several fixes and improvements for better support of Windows 8/8.1/10 environment.

See the full list of changes on the DotNetBrowser Release Notes page.

The update is available for download

We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help on our product on DotNetBrowser support forum.

Monday, December 14, 2015

It's Official – JxBrowser 6.0 is Released!

It’s been almost a month since JxBrowser 6 Beta was released.  Our long-term and new customers sent us valuable thoughts and comments on it. We would like to thank all of you. We really appreciate your help in making JxBrowser better. Using your feedback we significantly improved JxBrowser 6 since Beta release.

Today we are happy to let you know that official JxBrowser 6.0 version is available for download.

Take a look at the full list of changes in JxBrowser 6.0 on this page.

Monday, December 7, 2015

JxBrowser for Maven Projects

We are glad to let you know that JxBrowser now can be used in Java projects based on Maven. JxBrowser libraries are available on our own public Maven repository. In order to obtain JxBrowser JAR files using Maven you need to make the following changes to your pom.xml file:

1. Add TeamDev Maven repository to the repositories section of your pom.xml file:
2. Add the dependency on JxBrowser cross-platform library to the dependencies section of your pom.xml file:
More details on usage of JxBrowser in Maven projects is available in JxBrowser Installation instruction.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Clear Cache Functionality in JExplorer 3.3.1

JExplorer 3.3.1 is released. This minor update includes functionality that allows clearing cache, configure JExplorer native process name, obtaining type of loaded document, several important fixes and memory usage improvements.

See the full list of changes in 3.3.1 on the JExplorer Release Notes page.

The update is available for download.