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Thursday, April 23, 2015

DotNetBrowser 1.x is launched!

Having gained profound experience in Java integration TeamDev is stepping forward to use its expertise to the advantage of .NET developers.

Today we are happy to announce the launch of the DotNetBrowser – a new great way to use all the benefits of Chromium web browser engine in .NET applications.

DotNetBrowser is a .NET Library that allows embedding Chromium-based component into .NET applications to display modern web pages built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc.

DotNetBrowser provides WPF component that you can embed into WPF Desktop Application to display web pages. HTML content is rendered by Chromium engine. The component displays graphics that is rendered by Chromium engine in separate process. The library supports Chromium's Multi-Process Architecture. There are no differences in web page rendering between DotNetBrowser and Google Chrome. The web page will look exactly as in Google Chrome.

The library is available for download. We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on DotNetBrowser support forum.

Monday, April 20, 2015

JxBrowser 5.2 is out!

JxBrowser has been updated to version 5.2.

In this update Printing, Drag & Drop, JavaScript Java Bridge have been improved, custom client SSL certificates have been enabled, critical issues have been fixed and stability has been improved.

See the full list of changes in 5.2 on the JxBrowser 5.2 Release Notes page.
The update is available for download. Please find online samples for JxBrowser on our support site.
We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on JxBrowser support forum.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

JExplorer has been updated to 3.1.

JExplorer 3.1 is available for download.

Some of the notable improvements introduced in this release:
  • PrintEventListener has been added
  • DOM API has been extended with two methods: DOMElement.click() and DOMDocument.createTextNode()
  • Stability in multi-threaded environment has been improved.
For the full list of changes in 3.1 please see the Release Notes page at the support site.

Please find online code samples for using JExplorer on our support site. JExplorer support forum is always there for your feedback and questions.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

ComfyJ 2.12 is released!

ComfyJ has been updated to version 2.12.

In this update we have resolved several issues in OleContainer component and added compatibility with Java 8.

See the full list of changes in 2.12 on the ComfyJ 2.12 Release Notes page.
The update is available for download.

We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on ComfyJ support forum.