We help build better software

Thursday, August 7, 2014

JxBrowser 4.5 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 4.5.

In this update we upgraded Chromium engine to version 38, added support of PDF Viewer, introduced new API, fixed several critical issues and more.

See the full list of changes in 4.5 on the JxBrowser 4.5 Release Notes page.
The update is available for download. Please find online samples for JxBrowser on our support site.
We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on JxBrowser support forum.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

ICFP Contest Is Over

ICFP Programming Contest is now over and we are excited to see the results, but alas we are yet far from doing so. The results will be announced at ICFP Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden on September 1-3, 2014.

The task of the 72-hour contest was to develop Als for a computer game from the 80’s, were a “Lambda-man” haunted by ghosts is trying to escape from a maze. Now the creations themselves will be “fighting” to win the contest. A battle between TeamDev-created Lambda-man, and our rival’s ghosts will deсide the winner. Afterwards the roles will be switched, and the ghosts from our team will get their chance.

We are looking forward to the final battle!