We help build better software

Friday, July 25, 2014

ICFP Programming Contest 2014

This Friday TeamDev joint forces will plunge heads down into the online 72-hour programming contest held by ACM SIGPLAN: http://icfpcontest.org/ 3 days of non-stop coding will reveal the genius out of the strongest and smartest programmers.

ICFP Programming International Contest is conducted on July 26–28.

We wish our guys every success and will be keeping our fingers crossed for them.

Stay tuned for more news!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

ComfyJ has been updated to version 2.11

In this update we have resolved several memory management issues and Java 7 focus-specific issues in OleContainer and OfficeContainer components.

See the full list of changes in 2.11 on the ComfyJ 2.11 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download.

We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on ComfyJ support forum.