We help build better software

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Meet JExplorer 3 Beta!

JExplorer's history is getting a new spin! The Beta build of a new major version 3 is available for download. New API, better performance, stability and memory usage, full compatibility with the latest Microsoft Internet Explorer versions and more.

Anyone is welcome to download and try out the JExplorer 3 Beta.

More information about JExplorer 3 Beta you can find at http://links.teamdev.com/jexplorer-3-beta.

We would love to get your feedback, questions or suggestions regarding the new version.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

JxBrowser 4.8 released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 4.8.

In this minor update we fixed several critical issues and added support for multiple file upload.
See the full list of changes in 4.8 on the JxBrowser 4.8 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download. Please find online samples for JxBrowser on our support site.

We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on JxBrowser support forum.

Monday, December 22, 2014

JNIWrapper 3.10 Released

JNIWrapper has been updated to version 3.10.

In this update we have added support of Java 8 and Windows 8.
For the full list of changes in 3.10 visit the JNIWrapper 3.10 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download.

We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on JNIWrapper support forum.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

How many New Year resolutions have you already made? What about an easy one—to save time on Java development and be more productive? We’ll make it yet easier for you by offering a 15% discount on our Integration library licences.

Use coupon code "HAPPY-HOLIDAYS-2015" in our online store. The discount is good through December 31, 2014.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

JxBrowser 4.7 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 4.7.

In this update we upgraded Chromium engine to version 39 and fixed critical issues.

See the full list of changes in 4.7 on the JxBrowser 4.7 Release Notes page.
The update is available for download. Please find online samples for JxBrowser on our support site.
We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on JxBrowser support forum.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How to Use Google Geolocation API in JxBrowser 4.x

Together with one of the most powerful browser engines, JxBrowser now carries into your Java application the cool features available via Google API, in particular, the Google Geolocation API. In case you would like to utilize this functionality in your Java app, here is a brief insight into how to enable this feature.

JxBrowser Geolocation

First of all you must enable billing in the Google APIs Console and activate Google Maps Geolocation API, otherwise the API will not work.

You will need a valid API Key as well. The instructions on how to acquire the API Key can be found at http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/api-keys#TOC-Acquiring-Keys

Once Google Maps Geolocation API and billing are enabled, you can provide the keys to JxBrowser Chromium engine via environment variables. Set the environment variables GOOGLE_API_KEY, GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_SECRET to your "API key", "Client ID" and "Client secret" values respectively. To find out where to get "API key", "Client ID" and "Client secret" see the video instruction at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o425vQXpigw

Monday, October 27, 2014

IE11 Issues Impacting JExplorer Customers

MS IE 11 support had been added in JExplorer 2.7 right after MS IE 11 release (April–May 2014). Several months later a few of our customers informed us that they have issues such as native crashes, freezing and fail fast exceptions in Java and JExplorer32 processes with MS IE 11.

We figured out that these issues are reproducible only with the latest MS IE 11 updates starting from 11.0.10. We analysed crash dump files and function call stacks and figured out that problems were caused by regression issues in MS IE 11 updates. Microsoft confirmed that their latest updates are causing similar issues and they started working on fixing these problems. Microsoft engineers do not give exact estimates on the expected fix time, but we anticipate that it may take months before a new update of IE 11 goes public.
While working with Microsoft on the issues, we figured out that latter can be avoided by re-designing and re-implementing the way JExplorer integrates with IE. We created a prototype with the new design and got a confirmation that all issues introduced in the latest MS IE 11 updates can be worked around on our end.

So, right now we are working on the next JExplorer version that would be compatible with the latest MS IE 11 updates. It will be a major rework with a much more reliable implementation of our library, which will include several necessary changes in the public API. We will do our best to make the new API compatible with JExplorer 2.7 version as much as possible, but we cannot make it 100% compatible.

The version which addresses IE11 issues will be a major version update, 3.0. We are planning to release public 3.0 Beta, which would cover most used features in the middle of November. The complete version release is planned to mid-December.
While we are working on the new version of JExplorer, to avoid the issues with the latest MS IE 11 updates, we recommend that end users downgrade their MS IE 11 version to 11.0.9.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

JxBrowser 4.6 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 4.6.

In this update we implemented printing and cookies filter API, added touch screen and OpenGL support, improved DnD and Silverlight plugin integration, fixed reported issues and more.

See the full list of changes in 4.6 on the JxBrowser 4.6 Release Notes page.
The update is available for download. Please find online samples for JxBrowser on our support site.

We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on JxBrowser support forum.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

JxDocument Released

TeamDev announces the release of JxDocument — a brand new product, designed to make displaying PDF documents in Java apps as easy as a pie.

The library enables easy conversion of PDF pages to Java images as well as reading text from PDF documents.

To get a deeper insight into the product please visit JxDocument page: http://www.teamdev.com/jxdocument

See also JxDocument Support site http://jxdocument-support.teamdev.com/ for documentation and code samples.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

OpenFaces Documentation and Issue Tracking Moved to GitHub

Hello dear OpenFaces community!

We would like to inform you about some changes in OpenFaces infrastructure. We have just moved OpenFaces Documentation to GitHub: https://github.com/TeamDev-Ltd/OpenFaces/wiki, and our issue tracking system to: https://github.com/TeamDev-Ltd/OpenFaces/issues

These changes have been implemented to simplify interaction with the project for all participants.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

JxBrowser 4.5 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 4.5.

In this update we upgraded Chromium engine to version 38, added support of PDF Viewer, introduced new API, fixed several critical issues and more.

See the full list of changes in 4.5 on the JxBrowser 4.5 Release Notes page.
The update is available for download. Please find online samples for JxBrowser on our support site.
We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on JxBrowser support forum.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

ICFP Contest Is Over

ICFP Programming Contest is now over and we are excited to see the results, but alas we are yet far from doing so. The results will be announced at ICFP Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden on September 1-3, 2014.

The task of the 72-hour contest was to develop Als for a computer game from the 80’s, were a “Lambda-man” haunted by ghosts is trying to escape from a maze. Now the creations themselves will be “fighting” to win the contest. A battle between TeamDev-created Lambda-man, and our rival’s ghosts will deсide the winner. Afterwards the roles will be switched, and the ghosts from our team will get their chance.

We are looking forward to the final battle!

Friday, July 25, 2014

ICFP Programming Contest 2014

This Friday TeamDev joint forces will plunge heads down into the online 72-hour programming contest held by ACM SIGPLAN: http://icfpcontest.org/ 3 days of non-stop coding will reveal the genius out of the strongest and smartest programmers.

ICFP Programming International Contest is conducted on July 26–28.

We wish our guys every success and will be keeping our fingers crossed for them.

Stay tuned for more news!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

ComfyJ has been updated to version 2.11

In this update we have resolved several memory management issues and Java 7 focus-specific issues in OleContainer and OfficeContainer components.

See the full list of changes in 2.11 on the ComfyJ 2.11 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download.

We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on ComfyJ support forum.

Monday, June 30, 2014

JNIWrapper 3.9 Released

JNIWrapper has been updated to version 3.9.

In this update we have fixed several issues with invocation of the native functions on Linux and Windows platforms.

See the full list of changes in 3.9 on the JNIWrapper 3.9 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download.

We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on JNIWrapper support forum.

Friday, May 30, 2014

JxBrowser 4.4 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 4.4.

In this update we added support of Fedora and OpenSUSE platforms, API that allows modifying POST data, and support of default navigation error web page. Several critical issues were also fixed in the new version.
See the full list of changes in 4.4 on the JxBrowser 4.4 Release Notes page.
The update is available for download. Please find online samples for JxBrowser on our support site.
We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on JxBrowser support forum.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

JxBrowser 4.3.1 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 4.3.1.

In this update we fixed several critical issues, improved component behavior in multi-threaded environment, added support of custom cursors and introduced new API.

See the full list of changes in 4.3.1 at the JxBrowser 4.3.1 Release Notes page.
The update is available for download. Please find online samples for JxBrowser on our support site.

We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our JxBrowser support forum.

JxFileWatcher 1.4 Released

JxFileWatcher has been updated to version 1.4.

In this update we have added efficient implementation of the file watcher for Mac OS X systems and solved issues in 64-bit implementations of JxFileWatcher for Linux platforms.

See the full list of changes in 1.4 on the JxFileWatcher Release Notes page.

The update is available for download. We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our JxFileWatcher support forum.

Friday, March 21, 2014

JxBrowser 4.3 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 4.3.

In this update we added support of new environments (Ubuntu 13.10, JDK/JRE 8), implemented new features (WebRTC, Chromium Developer Tools, Navigation History API, Network Delegate API) and resolved critical issues.

See the full list of changes in 4.3 on the JxBrowser 4.3 Release Notes page.
The update is available for download. Please find online samples for JxBrowser on our support site.
We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our JxBrowser support forum.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

JxBrowser 4.2.1 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 4.2.1.

In this update we have fixed several critical issues, added new features and improved rendering performance and stability.

See the full list of changes in 4.2.1 on the JxBrowser 4.2.1 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download. Please find online samples for JxBrowser on our support site.

We would be glad to hear your feedback and assist you in using our product on JxBrowser support forum.