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Monday, November 25, 2013

JxBrowser 4.1 Released

We are glad to announce that JxBrowser 4.1 is out. In this update we added support of two more platforms (Windows Server 2008 and 2012) and taking into account feedback from our customers we also added several missing features, such as LoadHandler, KeyFilter, ConsoleListener etc.

JxBrowser 4 is now compatible with JxBrowser 3.x, so you can use both 3.x and 4.x libraries in the same Java application. With the Browser.getNodeAtPoint() method you can find DOMNode at a specific location on loaded web page. The memory usage has been also improved in this version.

The full list of changes in the version 4.1 is available on the JxBrowser 4.1 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download. Please find online samples for JxBrowser available on our support site.

We would be glad to hear your feedback and provide help with usage of our product on our support forum.

Friday, November 8, 2013

JxBrowser 4.0 Released

Today we are launching the long-awaited official JxBrowser 4.0. The new major version is based on one of the most powerful web browser engine - Google Chromium, leaving behind the support of separate browsers for different platforms.

Now JxBrowser provides a totally lightweight Browser Swing UI component. You can forget about memory usage issues caused by native web browser engine allocating too much memory of your Java process. All the native code runs in separate native processes, so if the native web browser control crashes for some reason (e.g. crash in plugin), your Java application will continue working and you can restore the browser control.

JxBrowser 4.0 has been in beta for four months and over this time gained new features, improved API and new platforms support. JxBrowser 4.0 supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms and provides reach and simple API with many features. The full list of changes since Beta 3 release is available on the JxBrowser 4.0 Release Notes page.

To help you migrate your code from 3.x API to 4.x API we prepared the migration document.

The update is available for download. Please find online samples for JxBrowser available on our support site.

We would be glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our support forum.

Friday, August 30, 2013

JExcel 1.7 Released

JExcel has been updated to version 1.7.

New Features and Improvements:

  • Improved memory management and stability;
  • Resolved focus handling and painting issues in JWorkbook component;
  • Improved performance.
The full list of changes is available at the JExcel 1.7 Release Notes page.

Feel free to download the update and check out online samples at our support site.

We would be glad to hear your feedback and provide help with use of our product on JExcel support forum.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

JxBrowser 4 Beta 3 Released

Today we are glad to announce an update to JxBrowser 4 Beta!

Now JxBrowser 4 Beta 3 supports Linux 32- and 64- bit platforms, in addition to previously released Windows and Mac OS X support.

We have also introduced new features to JxBrowser Public API:
  • Proxy API, so you can configure each Browser instance to use its own proxy settings. See the ProxySample.
  • Ability to override the default user-agent string. See the UserAgentSample.
  • The DialogHandler.onAuthRequired(AuthDialogParams params) method that allows handling web server authorization, including proxy authorization.
  • Added methods that allow executing JavaScript code on the loaded web page. See the JavaScriptSample.
Feel free to try the updated JxBrowser 4 Beta version. You can find it at JxBrowser 4 Beta page on our support site.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

JxBrowser 4 Pre-order

With the JxBrowser 4 release just around the corner we are glad to offer the early buyers a discount program.

Before the official release any new customer can purchase JxBrowser 4 with a 15% discount off the new JxBrowser price. Our returning customers are eligible for a 20% discount.

Those intending to upgrade their JxBrowser Licenses to the version 4, can enjoy a 30% reduction of the license price.

Read more about JxBrowser 4 on our Support site.

Purchase JxBrowser 4 with a 15% discount now. To upgrade your JxBrowser License or to get a discount as a returning customer please contact our Sales team.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

JxBrowser 4 Beta 2 Released

It has been a month since we released the first public Beta of JxBrowser 4. Today we are glad to announce an update to JxBrowser 4 Beta that now supports Mac OS X 10.7 - 10.8 platforms.

In addition to Mac OS X support we have also introduced new features to JxBrowser Public API:
  • Added new methods to the Browser interface such as loadHTML(String html), loadHTML(int frameId, String html), loadHTML(LoadHTMLParams params), loadHTML(int frameId, LoadHTMLParams params), loadData(LoadDataParams params), getHTML() etc. Now you have a flexible way to load any string that represents HTML content or binaries data directly into Browser component and display it.
  • Added ContextMenuHandler that you can use to display context menu. New version of ContextMenuHandler interface provides more context menu parameters such as media type, link URL, link text, image source URL, page URL, frame URl, frame charset, selection text etc.
  • Added DownloadHandler, so you can handle all file downloads. See the DownloadSample.
  • Added DialogHandler that allows handling JavaScript dialogs such as Alert, Confirm and Prompt.
  • New Zoom API is introduced. In addition to standard set/get zoom level methods you can now listen to zoom change events using ZoomListener. We also added new methods such as zoomIn(), zoomOut() and zoomReset().

Feel free to try the updated JxBrowser 4 Beta version. You can find it at JxBrowser 4 Beta page on our support site.

Friday, June 7, 2013

JxBrowser 4 Beta Released

JxBrowser's history is getting a new spin! The new major version 4 is based on Chromium engine, leaving behind the support of separate browsers for different platforms. The current Beta's focus is on Windows platform, while the other two (Mac and Linux) are planned to follow in the oncoming official version 4 release.

Apart from being based on one of the most powerful cross-platform web browser engines, JxBrowser 4 is acquiring new exciting characteristics. The library now provides a completely lightweight implementation of Browser UI component. Also, all interactions with the native code are now implemented as a separate native process, which significantly improves the stability of Java applications, using JxBrowser 4.

The new JxBrowser 4 Beta release is public, which means anyone is welcome to try out the new version. To do so, please visit JxBrowser 4 Beta page on our support site.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

JxBrowser 3.4 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 3.4.

New Features

  • Added out-of-process implementation for IE in 64-bit environment. Now each IE Browser instance is running in a separate native process in 64-bit environment.
  • Added support of print dialog in Mozilla15 and Mozilla engines on Mac OS X.
  • Added support of CardLayout on Mac OS X with JDK 1.7.
  • Added support of printing functionality on Windows 8 + IE10 for IE engine.
The full list of changes is available on the JxBrowser 3.4 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download and online samples for JxBrowser can be found on the support site.

We would be glad to hear your feedback and provide help with use of our product on our support forum.

Friday, March 1, 2013

JExplorer 2.7 Released

JExplorer has been updated to version 2.7.

New Features and Improvements:

  • Added Windows 8 and MS IE 10 support;
  • Added JDK 1.7 support;
  • Improved clear cache functionality;
  • Improved memory usage;DOM API extended with additional methods for working with IFrames.
The full list of changes is available on JExplorer 2.7 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download and online samples for JxBrowser can be found on the support site.

We would be glad to hear your feedback and provide help with use of our product on our support forum.