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Saturday, October 30, 2010

OpenFaces 3.0 with JSF 2.0 Support

The final release of OpenFaces 3.0 is out. This release focuses on OpenFaces' compatibility with JSF 2.0 specification, which is currently quickly replacing the older JSF 1.2 standard and makes application development notably more convenient. Now developers of JSF 2.0-based applications can enjoy using many mature OpenFaces components such as DataTable, TreeTable, DayTable, and many other useful components. Special thanks go to all community members who contributed to the early access versions and helped us with testing and preparing this final version!

We are not going to drop the JSF 1.2-based OpenFaces 2.x version family. Both 3.x and 2.x families will be evolving in parallel, and all improvements to OpenFaces 3.x will also be included into the appropriate 2.x releases to support JSF 1.2 developers.

You can download version 3.0 here. Installing OpenFaces 3.0 into your JSF 2.0 application is as simple as adding the openfaces.jar and runtime dependency jars from the distribution package to your application. No web.xml modifications are required. Just make sure you're using the latest Mojarra 2.0.3. You can also browse the online demo, and study the release notes. Should you have any questions, you're welcome to join the OpenFaces community.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

JxBrowser 2.5 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 2.5.

New Features

  • Cookie management functionality for Mozilla engine;
  • Ability to set a custom user-agent string for Mozilla engine;
  • Ability to set the path to Mozilla FireFox plugin directory.
The full list of changes is available at JxBrowser 2.5 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download. Samples for the JxBrowser can be found online.

We are glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our support forum.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

ComfyJ 2.8 Released

ComfyJ has been updated to version 2.8.

New Features and Improvements:

  • New OfficeContainer component which is designed for better interaction with MS Office applications/documents;
  • Ability to register Java COM servers with different usage parameters, such as REGCLS_SINGLEUSE orREGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE;
  • Automatic activation of OleContainer component with a specified verb when it becomes visible;
  • Ability to set a record value to Variant;
  • Enhanced command line generator interface; it now allows the same scope of options as the GUI;
  • Option for generation stubs for interfaces without explicitly defined parent interface.

The full list of changes is available on ComfyJ 2.8 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download.

We are glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our support forum.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

JExplorer 2.4 Released

JExplorer has been updated to version 2.4.

New Features and Improvements

  • Added support of 64-bit JVM and IE;
  • Added possibility to use the library in the single process mode (like it was in 1.x version);
  • Added customization of the user-agent string;
  • Added getApplets, getElementFromPoint, getElementsByName methods into HTMLDocument API.
The full list of changes is available at JExplorer 2.4 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download.

We are glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our support forum.