We help build better software

Friday, December 17, 2010

JxBrowser 2.6 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 2.6.

New Features

  • Cookie management functionality in Safari engine
  • Keyboard and Mouse listener support for IE and Mozilla
The full list of changes is available at JxBrowser 2.6 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download. Samples for the JxBrowser can be found here.

We are glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our support forum.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

JxCapture 2.1 Released

JxCapture has been updated to version 2.1.

New Features and Improvements:

  • Added capturing of cursor image under Mac OS X;
  • Improved video player component for Windows;
  • Restored jxcapture.image.operation package to provide backward compatibility for applications written with JxCapture 1.x;

The full list of changes is available on JxCapture 2.1 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download.

We are glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our support forum.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

JExcel 1.5 Released

JExcel has been updated to version 1.5.

New Features:

  • Added support of 64-bit platforms;
  • Generation of appropriate events for worksheets which have been added by copying;
  • Added support of Excel 2010 32/64-bit.
The full list of changes is available on JExcel 1.5 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download.

We are glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our support forum.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

OpenFaces 3.0 with JSF 2.0 Support

The final release of OpenFaces 3.0 is out. This release focuses on OpenFaces' compatibility with JSF 2.0 specification, which is currently quickly replacing the older JSF 1.2 standard and makes application development notably more convenient. Now developers of JSF 2.0-based applications can enjoy using many mature OpenFaces components such as DataTable, TreeTable, DayTable, and many other useful components. Special thanks go to all community members who contributed to the early access versions and helped us with testing and preparing this final version!

We are not going to drop the JSF 1.2-based OpenFaces 2.x version family. Both 3.x and 2.x families will be evolving in parallel, and all improvements to OpenFaces 3.x will also be included into the appropriate 2.x releases to support JSF 1.2 developers.

You can download version 3.0 here. Installing OpenFaces 3.0 into your JSF 2.0 application is as simple as adding the openfaces.jar and runtime dependency jars from the distribution package to your application. No web.xml modifications are required. Just make sure you're using the latest Mojarra 2.0.3. You can also browse the online demo, and study the release notes. Should you have any questions, you're welcome to join the OpenFaces community.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

JxBrowser 2.5 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 2.5.

New Features

  • Cookie management functionality for Mozilla engine;
  • Ability to set a custom user-agent string for Mozilla engine;
  • Ability to set the path to Mozilla FireFox plugin directory.
The full list of changes is available at JxBrowser 2.5 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download. Samples for the JxBrowser can be found online.

We are glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our support forum.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

ComfyJ 2.8 Released

ComfyJ has been updated to version 2.8.

New Features and Improvements:

  • New OfficeContainer component which is designed for better interaction with MS Office applications/documents;
  • Ability to register Java COM servers with different usage parameters, such as REGCLS_SINGLEUSE orREGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE;
  • Automatic activation of OleContainer component with a specified verb when it becomes visible;
  • Ability to set a record value to Variant;
  • Enhanced command line generator interface; it now allows the same scope of options as the GUI;
  • Option for generation stubs for interfaces without explicitly defined parent interface.

The full list of changes is available on ComfyJ 2.8 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download.

We are glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our support forum.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

JExplorer 2.4 Released

JExplorer has been updated to version 2.4.

New Features and Improvements

  • Added support of 64-bit JVM and IE;
  • Added possibility to use the library in the single process mode (like it was in 1.x version);
  • Added customization of the user-agent string;
  • Added getApplets, getElementFromPoint, getElementsByName methods into HTMLDocument API.
The full list of changes is available at JExplorer 2.4 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download.

We are glad to hear your feedback or provide help with use of our product on our support forum.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

JNIWrapper 3.8.2 Released

JNIWrapper has been updated to version 3.8.2.


  • The native libraries (including JNIWrapper) are extracted to the named temporary folder;
  • Added the ability to perform compatibility check of the installed native JNIWrapper libraries;
  • Added synchronous hook (CallWindowProc) implementation (WinPack);
  • Added the ability to determine Vista and Windows 7 platforms in VersionInfo class (WinPack).

Resolved Issues

  • Now all native libraries extracted from a JAR will be deleted at JVM shutdown;
  • Incorrect detection of some Windows versions released prior to Vista;
  • The problem with JNIWrapper native library loading from temp directory on Mac OS X 10.6 platform.
The update is available for download.

For any help related to the use of our product, please use the support forum.

Friday, August 20, 2010

JxBrowser 2.4 Released

JxBrowser team is happy to announce a long-awaited release of JxBrowser 2.4 with 64-bit platforms support.

In this version we have implemented support of JDK 64-bit for IE engine on Windows, Mozilla engine on Linux and Safari engine on Mac OS X. Please note that Mozilla engine still doesn't support JDK 64-bit on Windows and Mac OS X, because Mozilla browser officially doesn't support 64-bit environment on Windows and Mac OS X platforms.

In this update we also added Proxy functionality support for Mozilla and IE engines and other features that you can see on the JxBrowser 2.4 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download. You can try the new version online using the WebStart Demo.

For any help or feedback related to the use of our product, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

OpenFaces 3.0 Early Access 2 with JSF 2.0 support

We're pleased to present the second Early Access release for OpenFaces 3.0 with JSF 2.0 support. This release features tighter integration with the JSF 2.0 infrastructure, which has resolved most of the problems that existed in the previous release. Here are the most notable fixes:

  • fixed Ajax functionality for DataTable, TreeTable, CompositeFilter and all other components;
  • fixed compatibility with the standard JSF 2.0 Ajax APIs (the andlt;f:ajaxandgt; component, andjsf.ajax.request() JavaScript function);
  • made possible to attach client behavior tags, such as andlt;f:ajaxandgt; to all OpenFaces input and command components

Besides, it is now easier to add OpenFaces to your application -- you just need to add OpenFaces jar with its dependencies to your application. No web.xml modification and resource filter registration is required anymore!

You can download this version and the demo package that runs on Tomcat and GlassFish v3 here (see the OpenFaces 3.0 Early Access 2 section). If you've used the previous release, please also read the migration instructions in the release notes document.

This is the last milestone before the final release of OpenFaces 3.0. We'd like to have your feedback on how it behaves in your JSF 2.0 applications in order to polish the library by the actual release. Please post your feedback and share your experience on the product's forum.

Friday, July 2, 2010

JxBrowser 2.3.1 Released

JxBrowser has been updated to version 2.3.1.


  • Added support of focus transfer between Mozilla Browser component and Swing UI components;
  • Added Flash Player 10 support for IE engine.

Resolved Issues

Mozilla Engine:
  • Browser component can not be initialized in Java Applet;
  • The executeScript method fails in case of "window.close();" JavaScript code;
  • Mac style native menu disappears after creating new browser instance;
  • Crash of JVM after multiple JavaScript executions.
IE Engine:
  • Navigation method does not work for local PDF file.
The full list of changes is available at JxBrowser 2.3.1 Release Notes page.

The update is available for download.

For any help related to the use of our product, please use the support forum.

Monday, June 14, 2010

JxBrowser 2.3 Released

JxBrowser, our cross-platform library that allows integrating web browser into Java AWT/Swing applications is updated to version 2.3.

In this update we focused on Mozilla engine stability issues. By digging into the issues reported by our customers we have practically re-implemented Mozilla engine from scratch. The effort paid off by much more stable and reliable Mozilla engine and a handful of other updates. For the full list of resolved issues and improvements, please see the JxBrowser 2.3 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download. You can try the new version online using the WebStart Demo.

For any help or feedback related to the use of our product, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

JxCapture 2 Released

TeamDev is happy to announce official release of JxCapture 2, a cross-platform library that provides a comprehensive screen and video capture API for Java applications on Windows and Mac OS X platforms.

With JxCapture 2, you will be able to capture a screen or a screen area activity and save the result to a movie file. The API allows to specify the resulting movie format, size, bitrate, codec, audio source, etc. For the full scope of changes please check out the JxCapture 2 Release Notes.

You can try out the new version online using the WebStart Demo. The JxCapture 2, including demo application and samples, is available for download. Samples in distribution package will demonstrate how you can capture full screen, window or a region, configure capturing options and more.

For any help or feedback related to the use of our product, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

OpenFaces 3.0 Early Access 1 with JSF 2.0 Support

We're glad to announce the first early access milestone of the new OpenFaces 3.0 version featuring JSF 2.0 compatibility. Now developers creating JSF 2.0 based applications have access to rich possibilities provided by all kinds of OpenFaces components, ranging from DataTable and TreeTable for flexible data display, to BorderLayoutPanel and Window for creating various layouts, and Validation framework for client-side validation and additional validators.

OpenFaces 3.0 will be maintained in parallel with OpenFaces 2.0 and both of them will have the same set of features, but they will target different versions of JSF: 2.0 and 1.2 respectively. The final release for the OpenFaces 3.0 version is expected in June.

You can download the new version and the demo package that runs on Tomcat and GlassFish v3 here (see the OpenFaces 3.0 Early Access 1 section).

As JSF 2.0 support is currently on an intermediate stage, some functionality is limited yet and there are the following known issues in OpenFaces 3.0 EA1:
  • State saving during OpenFaces Ajax requests has some issues when using the built-in Ajax capabilities in certain OpenFaces components. Most notable consequences are: a) impossibility to use Ajax node folding in TreeTable, so only client-side node folding works fine yet, and b) DataTable paginator's "next" button which can't be used more than once.
  • The CompositeFilter component doesn't work in this Early Access version.
Feel free to share your feedback and ask any questions on the product's forum. Stay up to date with the latest OpenFaces news by following us on Twitter.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

JxCapture 2 Early Access

TeamDev is happy to announce the Early Access* for JxCapture 2, a cross-platform library that provides a comprehensive screen and video capture API for Java applications on Windows and Mac OS X platforms.

In this version we have added support of video capturing on Mac OS X and Windows platforms. With JxCapture 2, you will be able to capture a screen or a specified screen area activity and save the result to a movie file. The API allows to specify the resulting movie format, size, bitrate, codec, etc. For the full scope of changes please check out the JxCapture 2 EA Release Notes.

You can try out the new version online using the WebStart Demo. The JxCapture 2 Early Access build, including demo application and samples, is available for download. Note: The Early Access build is bundled with an evaluation license that expires May 30, 2010.

Please feel free to ask for help or just leave feedback at our support forum.

Stay tuned for new versions with more powerful and exciting features!

*Early Access gives you a chance to try the product out before it is officially released. Although we cannot guarantee that there will be no public API changes, or that certain features will be available in the final product, we will do our best to make your Early Access experience useful and future transition to the release version as easy as possible. Early Access - is your opportunity to contribute to the development process and help us shape the product to fit your needs.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

JxBrowser 2.2 Released

JxBrowser, a cross-platform library that allows integrating web browser into Java AWT/Swing applications on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms, has been updated to version 2.2.

In this version we have implemented DOM functionality for all engines, added UserAgent property support and navigation status code in NavigationFinishedEvent.

Also this version contains fixes for the important issues reported by our customers:

  • Deadlock when dispose Browser instance from JavaScript in Internet Explorer engine;
  • Flickering issue when add/remove Browser component in Mozilla and Internet Explorer engine;
  • Internet Explorer engine throws the "Requested resource is in use" exception during web page loading;
  • MenuBar/PopupMenu and Context Menu still open when click on Browser component in Internet Explorer engine.

For the full list of resolved issues and improvements, please see the JxBrowser 2.2 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download. You can try the new version online using the WebStart Demo.

For any help or feedback related to JxBrowser, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Friday, March 5, 2010

OpenFaces 2.0 Released

We are glad to announce that OpenFaces 2.0 has "graduated" from the Early Access Program and the final version is released!

OpenFaces is an open source JSF library consisting of a set of advanced components, the Ajax framework and the client-side validation framework.

6 new components are introduced since the EAP 2 was published:
  • CompositeFilter €“ allows the user to build complex filter criteria with multiple filter conditions;
  • LayeredPane €“ a container that allows switching between different sets of displayed components;
  • SelectOneRadio an extended version of the standard andlt;h:selectOneRadioandgt; component;
  • SelectManyCheckbox€“ an extended version of the standard andlt;h:selectManyCheckboxandgt; component;
  • CommandButton€“ an extended version of the standard andlt;h:commandButtonandgt; component;
  • CommandLink€“ an extended version of the standard andlt;h:commandLinkandgt; component.
DataTable and TreeTable components have been significantly extended with the following functionality:
  • Content scrolling with frozen header/footer rows. Both vertical and horizontal scrolling with frozen columns is supported;
  • Interactive dragandamp;drop column reordering;
  • Interactive column visibility customization;
  • Numerous filtering extensions -- customizing search condition, case sensitivity, placing filters inside or outside the table;
  • Tighter integration with the Hibernate library;
  • And more...
Certainly, there are many more extensions and fixes in other OpenFaces components and you can see the full list in the release notes.

Use your chance to see the components in action in the Live Demo!

We welcome everyone to contribute and participate in OpenFaces development. Please don't hesitate to post your feedback at the product forum or email us and follow OpenFaces on Twitter.

Friday, February 12, 2010

JxBrowser 2.1 Released

JxBrowser, a cross-platform library that allows integrating web browser into Java AWT/Swing applications on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms, has been updated to version 2.1.

In this version we introduce the following improvements:

  • Ability to programmatically set path to Mozilla profile directory;
  • MIME type handling functionality for Mozilla engine.

Also this version contains fixes for the issues reported by our customers:

  • JavaScript Error Listener operability issue is resolved (Mozilla engine);
  • The work of StatusListener is corrected (WebKit engine);
  • Navigation finished event is fired when navigation made within the same document (Mozilla engine);
  • Pop-up window now can be opened even if its target name is empty (IE engine).

For the full list of resolved issues and improvements, please see the JxBrowser 2.1 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download. You can try the new version online using the WebStart Demo.

For any help or feedback related to JxBrowser, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Friday, January 29, 2010

JExplorer 2.3 Released

JExplorer, a library that provides a convenient Java API for integrating Microsoft Internet Explorer into Java applications, has been updated to version 2.3.

This release introduces the following features and improvements:
interface for receiving notifications when popup menu is required;
event handler for receiving information about popup window before it is opened;
listener for receiving events when WebBrowser is disposed.

This version also resolves several important issues reported by our customers. For the full list of resolved issues and improvements, please read the JExplorer 2.3 Release Notes page.

The latest version is available for download at JExplorer page. For any help or feedback related to the use of our product, please use the support forum or e-mail us us directly.