We help build better software

Friday, December 25, 2009

JNIWrapper 3.8.1 Released

JNIWrapper, a library that enables access to native libraries and components from Java code without using JNI, has been updated to version 3.8.1.

In this version we added support of Mac OS X 10.6 and synchronous mode of Hooks for Windows. This release also includes the updated version of WinPack, free add-on enabling access to the Windows native API and libraries from Java code. WinPack 3.8.1 introduces low level keyboard and mouse hooks that allow working with 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows systems. For the full scope of changes please check out the JNIWrapper 3.8.1 Release Notes.

As always, you can download and try the fully-functional version of JNIWrapper.

We look forward to your feedback on this update. If you need assistance with using our product, please use the support forum.

Friday, December 18, 2009

JxBrowser 2.0 Released

TeamDev is happy to announce official release of JxBrowser 2.0, a cross-platform library that allows integrating web browser into Java AWT/Swing applications on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms.

In this version we have added support of Apple Safari (WebKit) engine on Mac OS X platform and Internet Explorer on Windows. With JxBrowser 2.x, you have a choice - which browser engine your Java application should use on different operating systems. Now you can use the default system browser instead of Mozilla Gecko engine on Mac OS X and Windows platforms.

You can get access to the powerful browser engines functionality through the new JxBrowser 2.x API. Samples in distribution package will demonstrate how you can navigate to a web page and wait until the page is loaded; take a full web page screen shot and save it to image file; get access to browser events, DOM, browser features and more.

Download the JxBrowser 2.0 build and try the included demo application and samples.

For any help or feedback related to the use of our product, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

JxBrowser 1.4 Released

JxBrowser, the cross-platform library for embedding Mozilla browser into your Java application, has been updated to version 1.4.

JxBrowser 1.4 introduces the following features and improvements:
  • API for interaction with native Mozilla XPCOM
  • API for clearing browser cache
  • Pop-up blocker
  • Ability to use custom implementation for displaying alerts, confirmations, prompts and authentication dialogs
  • New function WebBrowser.findNext for searching through the document with defined parameters.

This new version also resolves several important issues reported by our customers. For the full list of resolved issues and improvements, please read the JxBrowser 1.4 Release Notes page.

The update is already available for download. You can try the new version online using the WebStart Demo.

For any help or feedback related to the use of our product, please use the support forum or e-mail us directly.