We help build better software

Friday, November 13, 2009

QuipuKit 1.6.2 Released

We are pleased to announce a version 1.6.2 update to the QuipuKit library for JSF. This maintenance release includes resolutions for requests we received from our customers. The full list of fixes is available in release notes.

The new version of QuipuKit is available on the Download page. For any questions or feedback related to QuipuKit, visit forum or e-mail us directly.

We would also like to encourage you to pay your attention to the next major version of QuipuKit named OpenFaces 2.0, which is currently available in early access program (EAP) and is distributed under a dual license model. Please see the migration guide for instructions on moving to the new version.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

JxBrowser 2.0 EAP2 Announcement

About a month ago we announced the Early Access Program (EAP) for JxBrowser 2.0, our cross-platform library that allows integrating Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari (WebKit) and Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers into Java AWT/Swing applications. During this month we've received a lot of feedback and questions. Using this feedback we've made several changes in JxBrowser 2.0 API and added new important features:
  • Canceling navigation - allows receiving notification before web page loading starts and canceling navigation if needed;
  • Cookies management - allows receiving, updating, deleting Browser cookies;
  • MIME type handling - allows making a decision whether to display content with a specified MIME type or not;
  • Navigation.waitReady method - allows blocking current thread execution until document is loaded completely.

To see all changes and features we've made in EAP2 please check out the JxBrowser 2.0 EAP2 Release Notes.

The JxBrowser 2.0 EAP2 build with included demo application and samples is available for download. Note: The EAP2 build is bundled with an evaluation license that expires December 9, 2009.

Please feel free to ask for help or just leave feedback at our support forum and stay tuned for new versions with more powerful and exciting features.

* Early Access Program (EAP) gives you a first look at the product before it is officially released. It's an exciting opportunity for you to influence the development process and shape the future product with maximum value for you!
While we are doing our best to make your EAP experience and future transition to the release version as easy as possible, we do not guarantee that there will be no public API changes or that certain features will be available in the final product.