We help build better software

Friday, April 25, 2008

JNIWrapper for Solaris UltraSPARC

We know JNIWrapper has reached the skies already. But we are aiming for the stars and not stopping.

We continue expanding the list of hardware platforms supported by JNIWrapper technology.

Now we are announcing support for one more platform Sun Solaris UltraSPARC (32-bit). Support for 64-bit is on its way.

As always you can download fully-functional version of JNIWrapper for Solaris UltraSPARC and try it before buying. Your feedback and ideas about improvement of product are very much appreciated.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Listen to the file system events with JxFileWatcher

A new product called JxFileWatcher is coming soon.

JxFileWatcher is a cross-platform library providing API to listen to file system events and monitor changes inside specified folders.

Using JxFileWatcher you will be able to track all kinds of changes made to specified folders:
  • Creation, renaming or removal of files and subfolders
  • File size or contents change
  • Attributes modifications
Initial release will support Windows, Linux and Mac OS X and will be available early in May.

JxFileWatcher will support two modes with and without administrative privileges. For users without administrative privileges the operating system sets limitation on the number of descriptors opened on *nix platforms (Linux, Mac OS X). Administrative mode removes such limitations.

If you wish to contribute, influence the process or share ideas with us, just let us know.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

QuipuKit 1.4.3 Released

TeamDev has announced release of QuipuKit 1.4.3, a commercial component library for JSF. In this maintenance release we have resolved the known issue of using JBoss Seam's link and button components inside of QuipuKit DataTable component. This release also contains bug fixes and resolutions for requests we received from our customers. The full list of fixes is available at What's New page.

The new version of QuipuKit is available on the Download page.

For any questions or feedback related to QuipuKit, visit forum or e-mail us directly.

Friday, April 11, 2008

JxBrowser 1.0 Commercially Available

TeamDev is happy to announce the commercial release of JxBrowser 1.0. During more than a year of EAP period we did our best to produce a real value to our users.

JxBrowser is the cross-platform library that enables integration of Mozilla Firefox browser into Java AWT/Swing applications. It works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms. The library uses the latest Gecko 1.9 layout engine for rendering HTML documents.

But 1.0 release is not the finish line, it is just the beginning. We have huge plans and loads of new features in mind. We are already working on new features, for example, new rendering engines support such as WebKit. Stay tuned for more updates.

NOTE: JxBrowser for Mac OS X still has several outstanding issues and is released in Beta status.

You can download JxBrowser and as usual evaluate it during 30 days.

See what we've changed since EAP3 release and let us know what you think about JxBrowser.