We help build better software

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

JNIWrapper reaches IBM AIX

We continue expanding the list of hardware platforms supported by JNIWrapper technology. The list of hardware platforms not yet supported is getting shorter.

This time we are announcing support for a serious platform IBM AIX.

As usual you can download fully-functional version of JNIWrapper for AIX and try it before buying. Your feedback and ideas about improvement of product are very much appreciated.

We are working on Solaris for SPARC platform now. And it will be available soon. If there is a platform you want JNIWrapper to support, just let us know.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

QuipuKit 1.4.1 is Out

TeamDev has released QuipuKit 1.4.1, a commercial component library for JSF. This maintenance release includes fixes for keyboard support in Opera and Safari, and other fixes for the DataTable and TreeTable components. For a complete list of fixes, please visit the What's New page.

The new version of QuipuKit is available on the Download page.

For any questions or feedback related to QuipuKit, visit forum or e-mail us directly.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

QuipuKit 1.4 Released

TeamDev has released QuipuKit version 1.4. The major features of QuipuKit 1.4 release include:
  • An ability to merge cells in the DataTable and TreeTable components
  • Extended customization for individual rows/cells in the DataTable and TreeTable components
  • Support for dynamic columns in the DataTable and TreeTable components
  • Added an ability to handle session expiration during Ajax request
  • Improved Ajax errors handling
  • Removed dependency on a modified version of JFreeChart. QuipuKit can now be used with the latest version of JFreeChart
  • Added a new LoadBundle component that can be used with Ajax-enabled components
This release also includes a number of fixes to different QuipuKit components. For the whole list of improvements and fixes, please see the What's New page.

The new distribution package of QuipuKit 1.4 is available here.

For any questions or feedback related to QuipuKit, visit the forum or e-mail us directly.