We help build better software

Thursday, December 20, 2007

JxCapture 1.1 Featuring Mac OS X Support

Just as we announced previously we now make version 1.1 release of JxCapture introducing Mac OS X support.

The 1.1 release works on both Intel and PPC machines and requires Mac OS X 10.4 to work. In the next update we are planning to add full support for the newest Leopard Max OS X operating system from Apple.

Please note that if you already purchased JxCapture you can use the Mac OS X version as you license includes this platform already.

Download the latest version and evaluate it during 30 days.

Do not miss our Web Start demo that is available for both Windows and Mac now.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

QuipuKit 1.3.2 Released

QuipuKit 1.3.2, a component library for JSF, has been released today. This maintenance release includes fixes to the problems with compatibility of QuipuKit with Ajax4jsf framework found in version 1.3. For a list of fixes, please see the What's New page.

You can get the new version of QuipuKit on the Download page.

For any questions or feedback related to QuipuKit, visit forum or e-mail us directly.