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Monday, July 24, 2006

QuipuKit EAP Release

We are pleased to announce the start of Early Access Program for our new product called QuipuKit!

QuipuKit (pronounced [€™ki-pu kit]) is a library of highly customizable JSF components for building rich user interfaces of Web-based applications. It extends the standard set of UI components with such sophisticated widgets as TreeTable, DataTable, Calendar, DateChooser, Chart, and others.

Thanks to such features as Ajax support and keyboard navigation, the QuipuKit library essentially simplifies development of Web applications, making them really interactive and user friendly. See the online demo.

The validation framework bundled with the QuipuKit library enables developers to use standard JSF validators on the client side and extends them with additional validators that work equally well on the client and server side. The validation framework is flexible to support a variety of usage scenarios where data should be validated and provides multiple ways to configure visual feedback when validation failed.

Friday, July 21, 2006

JNIWrapper 3.3. Now on Windows 64-bit

JNIWrapper Team has picked up speed at releasing new platforms support. It has been a while since we planned to support 64-bit Windows and the plans have now become the reality.

The new platform support is available for evaluation and purchase.

See the list of changes in JNIWrapper since version 3.2 in the What's New section.

Apart for the JNIWrapper itself, we €™have made WinPack ready for 64-bit.

Other changes are made in new version of WinPack can be found in the What's New section.