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Thursday, February 10, 2005

JNIWrapper Beta for Mac OS X, WinPack 2.3

Today the JNIWrapper Team is proud to present the first Beta release of JNIWrapper for Mac OS X.

You can download JNIWrapper for Mac OS X, and evaluate it during 30 days and submit us your comments or suggestions. By the time your trial version expires, JNIWrapper for Mac OS X will be available for purchase.

Your feedback on this Beta version is highly appreciated. Please use the support or feedback to contact developers if you have questions or suggestions regarding this new product.

Also, do not miss the new online JNIWrapper for Mac OS X Demo application that demonstrates some Mac OS X integration features.

In the new release of WinPack 2.3 library we have added two new features: API for DDE and System Event LogAPI. Both these features are presented in appropriate samples of the renewed WinPack Demo application.

Check the What's New pages to see the detailed list of changes fot JNIWrapper Beta for Mac OS X and Winpack.

JNIWrapper Beta for Mac OS X

JNIWrapper for Mac OS X supports all declared features, such as function native function calls, callbacks, various data types, automatic mamory management, etc.

Additionally, this version provides the samples for integration with Carbon framework (analogue of Win32 API for Windows) and its visual components, such as Open/Save File, Choose Folder, Choose Color dialogs and Native Windows.

Also, in this version we have implemented the FileSystemWatcher class that uses kqueue and kevent system functions of Mac OS X kernel. This class is analogue of our FileSystemWatcher class that we already made on Windows platform.

NOTE: Integration with all visual Carbon components works correctly under JDK 1.3 only. Invocation of them under JDK 1.4 may fail and even crash a Java application. But all not-visual features of Carbon library will work correctly on both JDKs.

Tuesday, February 1, 2005

JNIWrapper 2.8 and JExplorer 1.2

Today we introduce new releases of JNIWrapper 2.8 and JExplorer 1.2.

New version of JNIWrapper covers many important issues resolved after version 2.7.1. In this version we mostly have been focused on improving COM integration.

JExplorer 1.2 version delivers numerous changes and improvements we made since the first public release. The JExplorer API was improved and extended with several useful features basing on feedback from our customers. Keep writing to us!

NOTE: This new version of JExplorer is not compatible with previous version (2.7.1) of JNIWrapper.

Check the What's New page to see the detailed list of changes for JNIWrapper and JExplorer.

What's coming next

WinPack 2.3: In the new release of WinPack are planning to introduce the DDE support and other recently asked features.

JNIWrapper for Mac OS X: At the same time we are planning to introduce the first Beta for preview. We are working on creating samples and demos at the moment.

New JNIWrapper Site: New JNIWrapper web home is almost ready and will be introduced really soon.