We help build better software

Thursday, December 9, 2004

JNIWrapper 2.7.1 and WinPack 2.2

Today we issue new update for JNIWrapper, in which we have fixed several issues submitted to us since last release. Several new features were added as well.

Also, along with JNIWrapper we issue the release of WinPack 2.2, containing several fixes and some new features.

Check the What's New pages to see the detailed list of changes for JNIWrapper and Winpack.
What's coming next

JExplorer 1.1: First update for JExplorer is to be introduced in about a week.

JNIWrapper for Mac OS X: At the same time we are planning to introduce the first Beta for preview. We are working on creating samples and demos at the moment.

JNIWrapper for Linux 1.5: New version, which addresses several important issues will be out in couple of weeks.

New JNIWrapper Site!: New JNIWrapper web home is almost ready and will be introduced really soon.

Friday, November 5, 2004

JExplorer 1.0 and JNIWrapper 2.7

Today we issue the first version of JExplorer. This release addresses many important issues that we have received during the Beta period of the product.

Also, along with JExplorer we issue the important release of JNIWrapper 2.7, in which we have fixed several important problems and added some features.

Check the JNIWrapper and JExplorer release notes to see the detailed list of changes in both products.

What's coming next

JNIWrapper for Mac OS X: The product is on the final testing phase and shortly we will introduce the Beta version for your evaluation.

JNIWrapper 3.0: In JNIWrapper 3.0 we're planing to introduce many useful features, such as a Java code generation by *.H file, Java COM server registration and many others.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

JNIWrapper 2.6

Today we issue an important release of JNIWrapper, which addresses several important issues and introduces a number of improvements in the core API and COM integration.

We received numerous feedback since the previous release. Your feedback and participation helped to improve the quality of the product and is much appreciated. Check the What's New page to see the list of major changes.

What's coming next

JExplorer 1.0 Release. We're planning to introduce the final release of JExplorer 1.0 this month.

JNIWrapper for Mac OS X.: Core functionality of Mac OS X port is already done. We will focus on preparing this product for release after JExplorer is out. The early access version will be released shortly for your evaluation and feedback

Friday, September 10, 2004

JNIWrapper 2.5 and WinPack 2.1!

Today we present the final release of JNIWrapper 2.5 and new WinPack 2.1 release.

JNIWrapper release covers many important issues resolved after version 2.5 Beta and adds some new features to the library, mostly in COM integration and memory management.

WinPack 2.1 release includes some additional useful functionality and bugfixes.

Check the What's New page to see the detailed list of changes in both products.

Monday, June 14, 2004

JNIWrapper 2.5 Beta for Windows and JExplorer Beta 3

Today we are introducing the prerelease of a new JNIWrapper 2.5 and a new Beta version of JExplorer Beta 3.

New JNIWrapper is the Beta release that covers many important issues resolved after version 2.4.1 and adds some new features to the library.

JExplorer Beta 3 released to deliver the general changes we made since Beta 2 to users who provided their feedback. The JExplorer API was significantly refactored and greatly simplified since last release.

Check the What's New page to see the detailed list of changes in both products.

Friday, May 14, 2004

JNIWrapper 2.4.1 for Windows and JExplorer Beta 2

Today we made available a new release of JNIWrapper 2.4.1and JExplorer Beta 2.

New JNIWrapper is the maintenance release that covers some most important issues resolved after version 2.4.

JExplorer Beta 2 released to deliver the general changes we made since Beta 1 to users who provided their feedback.

Check the What's New page to see the list of major changes.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

JNIWrapper 2.4 for Windows and New WinPack

The Easter holidays are gone. Time to get back to work! Today we are presenting a new release of JNIWrapper 2.4 and a new version of the WinPack library.

This version of JNIWrapper is the maintenance release and mostly covers issues we have addressed in response to your support requests. Also, this version provides many changes and extensions for the OLE Container implementation, which makes integration with Microsoft Office applications easier and smoother.

This WinPack release includes some new features that you may find useful in your applications. They are:
Services API
Processes API and
Hooks API.

You can find more information about the new WinPack features on the WinPack page.

Do not forget to see the online WinPack Demo where we have added demos for the new functionality.

Check the What's New page to see the list of major changes.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

JExplorer Preview

Today we are presenting the promised earlier Internet Explorer integration, which we called JExplorer.

JExplorer is a library that provides developers with an easy-to-use capability to integrate Internet Explorer with any Java application.

Check the JExplorer page for more details about JExplorer library and its features. JExplorer Beta is now available for download. You can use JNIWrapper evaluation license to evaluate JExplorer.

Since this is a Beta release of JExplorer, your feedback on it is highly appreciated. Please use our support or feedback facilities to contact developers if you have questions or suggestions regarding this product.

Friday, February 6, 2004

JNIWrapper 2.3 for Windows

We had a tough start of the year... Our customers, after refreshing holidays, submitted a good bunch of support requests to us. Some of them were interesting features requests and others were our drawbacks.

We made several delays of this version release willing to include as many changes as possible. Check the What's New page to see the list of major changes.

We mostly concentrated on COM support in this release and added enhancements to the run-time and code generation process that should make the integration easier. Thus, this is mostly a maintenance release with several useful features.

It appears that our documentation goes one step behind the development. We have started a massive update of our guides, samples, faqs and so on. And we are planning to concentrate on it later on.

Because of numerous support requests about integration with Microsoft Office applications, we have added appropriate samples into the distribution.

From now on, JNIWrapper 1.x for Windows is no longer available for purchase.